Customer Centric


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Customer CentricTechnology

Najważniejsze są doświadczenia naszych klientów – indywidualnych, biznesowych oraz wewnętrznych w ramach T-Mobile. Sami budujemy i rozwijamy rozwiązania, pracujemy z szerokim stack'iem technologicznym, automatyzujemy, działamy tu i teraz, bo każda mikrosekunda ma znaczenie, kiedy mówimy o sieci.


CI/CD, CX, agile to nasz magentowy sposób pracy. W tym roku głównie stawiamy na: krótszy time to market, cloudyfikację, modernizację sieci, rozwój 5G, stworzenie systemu informowania o awariach, zmniejszanie liczby reklamacji i wzrost stabilności sieci. Ty też możesz być częścią naszej technologicznej transformacji!


Dołącz do #MagentaTeam

nasze zespoły.

Network Department

IT Department

Infrastructure Department

Operations Department

Data Enablement Tribe

Billing & Revenue Management Tribe

Digital Experience Tribe

Security Tribe

Product Factory and Digital Processes B2B Tribe

dep sieci

Rafał Federowicz

Department Director

Network Department

Radio and core services! Every millisecond counts here! We invest in the latest technologies that meet the highest requirements, because we are part of the country's critical infrastructure.


We are developing a RAN network, mobile data transmission services; we test phones, routers, tablets, watches and create network specifications for suppliers, but also... we provide innovative solutions in the field of IoT, Smart City, Campus Network and M2M, such as Intelligent City Parking Lots or Intelligent Waste Management.


#network #5G #cicd #telecloud #georedundancja #mikroserwisy

dep it

Aleksandar Hristovski

Department Director

IT Department

We are responsible for IT strategy and architecture, including: automation, cloud services, and digital and business solutions for external and internal customers. We make sure that the highest IT standards are applied within T-Mobile, in the corporate architecture, our systems and applications, and in migration to the public cloud.

Additionally, there is an IT Competence Center within our Department. This area is responsible for coordinating the activities of all Tribes - which means that Technical Tribe Leaders from across the company report directly to the IT Department Director.


#automation #cloudification #ITstrategy

dep infrastruktury

Piotr Jesionek

Department Director

Infrastructure Department

The Infrastructure Department is a team of more than 170 people - specialists, experts and engineers whose task is to ensure the reliability, development and maintenance of the technological infrastructure of the T-Mobile Polska network.


We are responsible for designing, building and expanding the network, managing network capacity and maintaining high quality services for B2B and B2C costumers. We also deal with topics such as: transmission and access networks, optical fiber networks, capacity and network automation mechanisms.


#infrastructure #fiber optic

dep operacji

Mirosław Wiśniewski

Department Director

Operations Department

In the Operations Department, we focus on proactive failure prevention and quick resolution of problems reported by customers. We manage the maintenance of networks, infrastructure and IT applications.


We supervise the network on a 50-meter screen, monitor and support applications 24/7, analyze customer satisfaction with the services we provide and improve our operational processes to make our network even more reliable, redundant and optimized. Thanks to the work of over 180 people from our department - everything WORKS!


#communication #customercentricity #monitoring


Karolina Henzel

Tribe Lead

Data Enablement Tribe

The mission of our Tribe is to build a culture of data-based decision-making at T-Mobile Polska. We ensure transparency of data ownership and consistency of definitions within the organization.


We build data quality metrics, data flows and calculations, and create tools that facilitate data processing and transformation. As a result, we enable the full use of the potential of the information we have in the company by influencing the actions taken, supporting strategic projects, and monetizing analytics.


#datadrivenorganisation #BigData #DataWarehouse #DataQuality #Spark

tribe billingu

Andrzej Reduta

Tribe Lead

Billing & Revenue Management Tribe

We are responsible for the entire billing process - so that each of our over 12 million clients receives an invoice for the services they use and can easily pay for it. We analyze clients’ data to enable them to purchase equipment in installments, we analyze all complaints regarding invoices, but also each event from the transmitters in order to estimate the costs appropriately.


We also provide tools that enable other areas of our company to develop. We have created our own rating and billing system, set up entirely by our local Polish team! This is the first such system in the entire Deutsche Telekom group. We work here and now. With such a scale and amount of data there is no way we are stopping!


#billing #rating #invoice #microservices


Krzysztof Suchan

Tribe Lead

Digital Experience Tribe

T-Mobile company website, E-commerce store, Mój T-Mobile mobile app, but also the systems on which our contact center and sales network work - we are responsible for all digital solutions that our customers and employees will encounter.


We make sure that the customer can buy our products without any problems and that the after-sales service is of the highest quality. We implement best software-building practices and are happy to share them. Top-class user experience is fundamental for us. Thanks to attention to every detail, over 12 million people use our products.


#e-commerce #webapp #mobileapp #ux #ui

tribe bezpieczenstwa

Paweł Dobrzański

Tribe Lead

Security Tribe

Cybersecurity is an extremely important element of work in telecommunications, because our priority is to protect our customers' data. We monitor the network 24/7 and monitor anomalies, while protecting the State's Critical Infrastructure. We prevent and immediately respond to any threats. Every day we influence the security of millions of users of our network by providing them with services with the highest level of security.


We approach security issues strategically and globally, counteract hacker attacks, and create a unique environment for the development of new, innovative solutions and products in the detection of fraud, cyber threats and business process monitoring.


#cybersec #SOC #ThreatHunting #cybervibe #ethicalhacking #cybersecurityawareness #datasecurity #itsecurity #cybersecuritynews #humanfirewall

tribe produktow

Maciej Zawada

Tribe Lead

Product Factory and Digital Processes B2B Tribe

We are a well-coordinated team that likes to act :), which is why we design and maintain products for business clients, as well as create and develop sales, service and self-service systems for internal and external clients.


Each of our products is tailor-made, created and developed based on the customer's needs and the Customer Journey Map. On a daily basis, we prepare, modify and maintain sales and service processes in CRM systems (such as Salesforce and Siebel CRM) and integrated systems. We take care of eSerwis - we are developing one of the most advanced self-service systems for business customers on the Polish market. And this is only part of our activities - in everything we do, we focus on digitization and automation of processes - we are here to create, develop, test and improve innovative and safe solutions.


#CRM #eSerwis #Cloud #Connectivity #Mobility #Modern Workplace #Networking & Communications

w praktyce.

Agile DevOps
in Telco –
do & don’ts –
lessons learnt


Kubernetes –
cienie i blaski
do przetwarzania


Jak integrować
20 miliardów
rekordów dziennie


Robotyzacja, czyli
jak wprowadzić
procesów (RPA)


czy klasycznie?
O testach
i agile słów kilka


Agile w dużej
Czy to naprawdę


Nie będzie szybciej,
będzie inaczej


Devops w trakcie


CX dla Product


Jak wykorzystać
chmurę do
tworzenia apki?


How does Data
Mesh impact the


Digital Expirience


Kulisy pracy
w Security
Operations Center.


opinie #MagentaTeam.



Fiber Optic
Services Specialis

17 years in #MagentaTeam

I have been with #Magentateam since the beginning of my professional career. It's almost 18 years. Everyday work in the IT & Tech area presents me with new challenges, and at the "end of the day" I always feel satisfied with a job well done. The team I work in is very well-coordinated and I can always count on the support and help of my colleagues. We do impossible things right away, for miracles you have to wait a while! Yes, T-Can!



Systems Integration
Senior Specialist

2 months in #MagentaTeam

People surrounding me is what I value the most at work. In #MagentaTeam they are competent, helpful, well-coordinated. It's a well-matched team. All other matters that I had to deal with in the organization were also handled pleasantly and effectively thanks to nice people.



Transmission Network Planning Specialist

5 years in #MagentaTeam

"I have the pleasure of working in a team of experts in a dynamic environment where technology is constantly developing. I need to stay up to date with the latest technologies, trends and innovations, which allows me to develop my skills and knowledge. The work I do every day gives me the opportunity to influence the quality and stability of the network, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction. Common goals, team work, positive energy among the team - all this makes working at T-Mobile full of challenges but at the same time very satisfying."

adrian v2


Technical and Cloud Services Section Manager

10 years in #MagentaTeam

"People in #MagentaTeam create this amazing atmosphere that is so important in everyday cooperation. And THIS is what I value most at T-Mobile. This is what makes me start every day motivated to act."

gabi v2


IT Infrastructure

2 years in #MagentaTeam

Our team is quite large, but very well coordinated. I especially appreciate the atmosphere we create. The work is never monotonous, there are new challenges and experiences, which always makes it interesting. I definitely like the opportunity to work hybrid (rather than on-site). In the case of B2B cooperation, settlements run very smoothly.

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