
Find your superposition.

Nie widzisz oferty dla siebie? Nic straconego.

Don’t see an offer for yourself? Nothing lost.

Wyślij nam swoje CV i daj nam znać, czym chcesz zajmować się w T-Mobile.

Send us your resume and let us know what you want to do at  T-Mobile.

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Big Tech, Software House or startup? The answer is simple: yes.

At T Hub, no compromises are required — enjoy, instead, the stability of a big tech company, paired with the atmosphere or a software house and a startup vibe. Sounds too good to be true? Come and see for yourself.


more information


T Hub Poland is both a unit within T-Mobile Polska and also one of the Deutsche Telekom Group’s European technology hubs.


We deliver projects which cater to the internal needs of the Deutsche Telekom Group , as well as to those of external customers, especially from the German market. The areas in which we work include: packet and voice network engineering and innovation, automation, machine learning and APIfication, IT platform services supporting the expansion of the fibre-optic network and IoT connectivity for the German market.

In addition, T Hub Poland encompasses hubraum, Deutsche Telekom's technology incubator, which explores future trends and tech opportunities, often in collaboration with startups and partners such as: the European Space Agency, Qualcomm, Apple or Microsoft.


We deliver IT projects for external clients as well as internal. Some examples of sectors we cater to include the automotive sector (we work for top brands in this field), security, and public government.


There are many options, you can check all of them.

What else will our position provide you with? Expect a veritable superposition to explore the latest technological trends, solutions and working methodologies from. We work as part of international teams, which gives us access to rich and varied sources of knowledge and experience. This also gives you the chance to work closely with top specialists and managers - no matter whether you live in the same city or thousands of kilometers apart.


And what kind of atmosphere do we have? Don’t expect to work with 'resources', but with people. Namely, people you can count on. Do you like to help shape project throughout its different stages? Great. At T Hub you’ll have both the time and conditions to develop the projects you embark on. And if the need for change arises? Then you'll find a new domain in which we can help you find your way.


Our projects.

This is how we work.

Our values.


Get things done.

People are behind every success and every technology in our company. We are determined to get the job done, make bold decisions and go above and beyond. This helps us grow and provide unique solutions tailored to the needs of even the most demanding Customers.


Act with respect and integrity.

We build our success on the basis of respect and integrity. Responsibility is part of social life for us. In our daily activities, we actively promote tolerance, diversity and support the environment, health and education.


I am T – count on me.

We are strongly engaged and focused on providing solutions to both Customers and the entire #MagentaTeam. Thanks to this, we can rely on each other!


Team together, team apart.

We are the ones that create this company. That's why we believe in an open, collaborative culture that brings daily satisfaction. We care about the quality of cooperation and communication. We openly discuss things, value different opinions and views - thanks to that we make better decisions and work more effectively.


Stay curious & grow.

Every person in #MagentaTeam takes full responsibility for the success of our company. We seize every opportunity to grow, transforming our curiosity into learning. Together, we create a work environment that supports our growth - not only personal, but of the entire #MagentaTeam.


Delight our customers.

Customer satisfaction and inspiring our Customers is the goal for each of us in #MagentaTeam. It's what allows us to grow as a company. The quality of our Customer's experience with us and our services is at the core of our constant need to improve and innovate.


Have cookie or eat cookie?

At T Hub the answer is simple - yes. Take part in the recruitment process to find yourself in a superposition.

We are determined to make recruitment at T Hub as fair and transparent as possible. Please rest assured that your race, sexual orientation, gender identity, background, disability, or religion will not affect the outcome in any way. We evaluate candidates on their competences and their competences alone.

level 01 en

Let’s meet to better understand each other's expectations.

Our screening meeting will last about 20-30 minutes. We will ask you about our areas of interest and will be happy to field any questions you may have.

level 02 en

If you proceed to the next stage, our Hiring Manager will receive a recommendation for your application.

There’s nothing for you to do at this stage — we’ll take care of everything. During this time we process all the information we've gathered during the screening process and dig deeper into your CV.

level 03 en

Technical meetings with the Hiring Manager and/or team members.

We will invite you to one or two project meetings to confirm that we have a ‘perfect match'. The meetings may last between 30 minutes and 90 minutes, during which time we will talk to you about mutual expectations and the vision for our collaboration. You will also most likely meet your future supervisor and your teammate during this time.

level 04 en

Time to decide!

At this stage, we will have decided that you are the person we want to develop our projects with. We will then come back to you with an offer of collaboration, hoping for your "yes". If for some reason, we are unable to offer you a position in our team, you will certainly receive feedback from us explaining our decision.

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